Ciranya An Autaracu

I'm currently in the process of recreating all my pages according to a new unified design language, as you can see in effect with Alexia, Fjori, and Vashi's carrds.Race: Bosmer
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0
DOB: 2E 566
Born: Yet Unnamed Tribe, Greenshade
Age: 16 (as of 2E 582), 24 (as of 590)
Religious Proclivities: Bosmeri pantheon
Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Ciranya is a tan-skinned, red-haired, crystal-eyed bosmer who stands 5 feet tall. She's highly athletic and toned on a short and narrow skeletal frame. She grows antlers out of her forehead which arc back over the top of her head. Her ears on longer than average and curve outwards from her head.




Ciranya wears medium weight clan-armor fashioned from the materials left behind by her ayleid ancestors, adapted to aesthetically merge Bosmeri and Ayleid motifs. She likewise uses an Ayleid bow with arrows made from mammoth bones for hard-hitting blows.


Ciranya's clan lives within a preserved Ayleid city founded millennia ago by her Ayleid ancestors. Though its original name has been lost to time, her clan simply refers to it as "Anyammis", which means both "life" and "bones" in Ayleidoon."An Autaracu" means "The Remnant" in Ayleidoon, a fitting title her clan carries into a post-Ayleid modernity.


Mind the broken arm, Skyrim pose mods all suck





placeholder for armor

placeholder for weapons + extras